With many thanks to Ventnor & District Local History Society for allowing us to copy and print their page from the Ventnor Chronicle. With many thanks also to Ian Anderson for providing these wonderful photographs dating from 1883 - 1903 of Thomas Stears, his family and schoolchildren.
Ian has recently kindly provided an update with captions for the images and has an extra photograph below taken in 1915 in Bonchurch, note the blackboard.
Many thanks Ian.

Note - The text should read 'Sheila's son Ian Anderson - not grandson.

1) Thomas Stears with his first wife Emma (née Hayden) circa 1875

2) Thomas Stears with his second wife Susannah, daughters Annie & Elizabeth and son Frank, Bonchurch I.O.W. circa 1900

3) Annie & Elizabeth Stears and a friend in Morris dancing kit. Bonchurch, late1890s

4) Maypole dancing at Bonchurch school, circa late 1890s

5) Thomas Stears, 1844-1903. Bonchurch I.O.W. circa 1903

6) Interior of schoolhouse, Bonchurch, IOW, turn of century.
Here’s the 1903 obituary for Thomas Stears, newspapere unknown.
