The numerous event fundraising activities we participate in are as follows;
Summer Planted Hanging Baskets (SPHB)
Helping to pay for the gorgeous Summer hanging baskets resplendent along the village road.
Open Gardens (OG)
Supporting our wonderful Open Gardens event held annually.
Lights By The Pond (LBTP)
The popular Christmas lights beautifully reflected in the village pond. They often have to be replaced due to little creatures nibbling wires.
Shanklin Brass Band (SBB)
Carols by the pond would not be the same without the wonderful performance of the band who support us in all weathers.
Village Plaques (VP)
We are keen to develop a small heritage trail of plaques around the village commemorating the extraordinary people who have lived or stayed in the village. We are currently looking at style and costs.
We welcome your generous contributions to any of these activities.
When you make your contribution, please use the abbreviation to indicate where you would like your gift to be used. For example if you would like to support the Open Gardens, please mark your donation OG Y.
We will happily forward any gifts to the Shanklin Brass Band.
Our account number is -
Bonchurch Community Association
Account number 18483488
Sort Code 54-10-34
Please mark your donation for example as follows OG Y.
We appreciate that many do not want to be publicly acknowledged, however please let us know if you would like thanks at our AGM.